Desktop Single Photon Detection System by Pixel Photonics with waveguide integrated SNSPD

Our desktop system: focussing on precision

Our SNSPD desktop detection system comes with the cryostat and electronics combined at the table top with a separated helium compressor. Connected by flex-lines, it’s a very efficient and especially precise system as the separation reduces heat, noise and vibrations at the detector.

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Housing system key features

Cryostat operation temperature 2.5–3 K
Cooldown time 3 h
Number of channels Variable (2–64+)
Optical fiber access Via FC or LC
Electrical readout Via SMA
Dimensions L x W x H 60 cm x 50 cm x 60 cm (excluding external compressor)

Detector specifications

Wavelength spectrum Visible to IR spectrum
System detection efficiency (SDE) > 70 %
Dark count rate (DCR) < 100 Hz
Timing uncertainty (Jitter) < 50 ps
Max. count rate (MCR) > 60 MHz